Visiting “Cerro San Cristobal”
As you travel through Lima you will see that there is a lot of larges hills that dot around the city one such hill of interest to many, is known as “Cerro San Cristobal” which is located in the Rimac district of Lima.
What would you expect to find on this hill?? Well during the Spanish occupation of Peru in the 16th century and the large Catholic influence it brought, the Spaniards went about taking land and changing the names of the mountains, hills and places to reinforce their influence, it was especially common to name these places after saints.
Mountains and hills were important to Incas as they believed that Apus, spirits of the mountains occupied these places (Apu can also mean the name of sacred mountains). During 1536 a large Inca rebellions plagued the newly founded city of Lima and on this hill of “Cerro San Cristabol” stood a large wooden cross (it was belief of the Spaniards this would give protection to the newly founded city) this was subsequently destroyed by the Incas and as the rebellion was slowly crushed new crosses were erected however, due to weather and other natural problems the cross had to be replaced time and time again till 1927 when a new cross made of iron and cement was firmly placed. This new cross stands at 20 meters and is situated at 400 meters above sea level.

To visit this site is very easy and I would recommend anyone wanting to see it to travel to downtown Lima to the
Plaza de Armas (the huge square in front of the presidential palace). Here there are many small buses willing to take tourists on a small guided tour
for 5 soles. The main issue here especially for people like myself is that the tour is only in Spanish but that should not let you down because when the bus takes the winding road up the hill
you will see the spectacular views of Lima. You don't

need to worry, you'll go with a large group of people (Peruvian and foreigner) in my case I went with my girlfriend who was translating for me everything the tour lady was explaining. In few words, they talk about some old building in Lima like Inka Cola first company, Alameda de los descalzos, they'll also tell you about the famous love story between Virrey Amat and his mistress Maria Micaela Villegas Hurtado, known as La Perricholi, (consider the most famous Peruvian woman of the eighteenth century).
It's really nice to see how people try to promote the place and create some job opportunities, I would also recommend you visit this place at night (I went early in the afternoon on my first time), the cross will be illuminated and you will be left in awe as you look down at the bustling city.
I made a new friend out there! |
Me and a beautiful background! |
PS: Don’t forget your camera, you will regret it if you do.
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